Thursday, July 26, 2012

Snake River Raft Trip

I would love to go on a scenic (that's the one WITHOUT the white water) rafting trip while in Jackson Hole.  Below are two companies that offer Snake River trips.  I know we used Barker Ewing last time we all went together.  What do y'all think?

Barker Ewing

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Helpful Yellowstone Apps

So, I searched for Yellowstone Apps on my phone and found 3 that I really like and would be super useful.  If y'all find more, let us know!

1. Chimani::Yellowstone is a cool app with every event that happens in the park.  There's also ideas of what activities groups or individuals can do while at Yellowstone.  (It's free!)

2. Old Faithful Countdown App is another useful app that counts down each eruption of Old Faithful so you know you won't miss one.


3.  YNP Wildlife is my favorite free app that I've found on  Yellowstone.  You do have to create an account, but it's free and they don't send any spam.  Once you create your account, you can instantly view updates on where other vacationers have found animals across the park.  This will be SUPER useful on our morning animal excursions through the park.


Happy Downloading

-Kakie Pants